May 14, 2012

New Zealanders endorse Look Asia Policy

The Rugby World Cup and the shared tragedies of earthquakes in New Zealand and Japan contributed to New Zealanders feeling warmer towards Asian people in

Model of the Fortnight

India is a great country, Indians attract visitors and tourists with hospitality, and friendship, says Raskha Bhula, our Model of the Fortnight. “Their simplicity is

Education helps eradicate child labour

A sign proclaims ‘Child-labour free zone’ as I enter one of Rajahmundry’s (Andhra Pradesh, India) many slums. It is a remarkable sight considering that Andhra

Book highlights Hindu medical values

The first observation that I like to make about ‘Traditional Medicine and Women Healers in Trinidad: Postnatal Health Care’ is that it is a Labour

Hindu Deities inspire Wellington artist

The creative talents of a local artist that included a number of Hindu Deities captivated visitors to the Pixel Ink Gallery in Wellington last fortnight.

No fixed date for Tamil New Year

Some Hindus celebrate ‘Mesha Shankaranti’ as New Year’s Day, while Tamils celebrate Thai Pongal as New Year. However, the Gregorian Year is recognised as the

Women make better chefs and how!

The reasons are not hard to decipher. The jostling on who is a superior gender continued for some time before reaching an amicable settlement –

May 15, 2012 Issue

The unending drama of migrant trauma

If you are one of those new migrants who undergo the trauma of finding a job and settling in a ‘strange country’ with cultural shock

India is not just Bollywood, mate

The only India that 22-year-old Saudi student Kholoud Bakr had seen was in Bollywood movies laced with song and dance. But after a 10-day stay

One stage, two music styles in Auckland

Music lovers can experience the power of different wind instruments as two maestros give vent to their exceptional talent in Auckland next fortnight. Kadri Gopalnath

May 15, 2012 Issue

Idol wave hits Radio Tarana

Music enthusiasts and those keen in putting their singing talent to test, have a unique chance of doing so as the Third ‘Radio Tarana Idol

Supreme Sports Person of the Year (Female)

The judges selected the Supreme ‘Sportsman of the Year Award’ winner from the category of winners. Special notice was taken of the overall performance in

Supreme Sports Person of the Year (Male)

The judges selected the Supreme ‘Sportsman of the Year Award’ winner from the category of winners. Special notice was taken of the overall performance in

Best Under 21 Cricket Player of the Year

Sponsor: All Cold Refrigeration Finalists: 1. Khusboo Patel 2. Anish Desai 3. Inderbir Singh Sodhi 4. Shaneil Sharma 5. Karan Nalam Winner: Inderbir Singh Sodhi

Best Cricket player of the Year

Sponsor: Sam & Angela Maharaj Corporation (McDonald’s) Winner: Bhupinder Singh Judges Comment: After a few years of dominance on the club scene, Bhupinder got his

Best Golfer of the Year

Sponsor: Windoors NZ Limited Finalists: 1. Karan Nalam 2. Azeem Khan 3. Daven Naidu 4. Bobby Singh Winner: Daven Naidu Judges Comment: David Naidu plays

Best Netball Player of the Year

Sponsor: Sailax Shipping and Freight Forwarding Limited Finalists: 1. Christine Sami 2. Monica Choy 3. Anita Kumar 4. Priyena Prasad Winner: Anita Kumar Judges Comment:

Best Hockey Player of the Year (Female)

Sponsor: TDA Immigration & Student Services Winner: Shareena Nana Judges Comment: Shareena Nana is a former Pakuranga College student, who plays for the Howick Pakuranga

Best Hockey Player of the Year (Male)

Sponsor: Windfall Global Alliance Group Private Limited Winner: Arun Panchia Judges Comment: Arun Panchia has been playing hockey since he was five years old. He

Best Kabaddi Player of the Year (Male)

Sponsor: Sports Federation (Inc) New Zealand Kabaddi Finalists: 1. Angrej Singh 2. Gurpreet Gopi 3. Harkamal Singh 4. Nikku Siddhu 5. Hardeep Singh 6. Jassa

Young Achievers Award

Sponsor: Indian Newslink As a part of their objective to recognise the achievements of young players who were finalists in a number of categories, the

Best Rugby League Player of the Year (Male)

Sponsor: South Seas Distributors (NZ) Limited Finalists: 1. Niraj Heer 2. Maneel Kumar 3. David Bhana Winner: David Bhana Judges Comment: Educated at Birkenhead College

Best Rugby Union Player of the Year

Sponsor: Hose and Fittings NZ Limited Finalists: 1. Ahmad Khan 2. Rocky Khan 3. Brandon Chand Winner: Rocky Khan Judges Comment: With more than 40

Best Under 20 Soccer Player of the Year

Sponsor: Food Safety (NZ) Limited Finalists: 1. Amit Narayan 2. Harshad Raniga 3. Amish Narayan Winner: Harshae Raniga Judges Comment: Harshad Raniga is a player

Indian Newslink Indian Sports Awards 2012

Supreme Sports Person of the Year (Female) Winner: Arun Panchia Supreme Sports Person of the Year (Male) Winner: Shareena Nana Best Under 21 Cricket Player

Inaugural Awards gain credibility

As the Convenor of the Panel of Judges of the Indian Newslink Indian Sports Awards 2012, I was highly impressed with the calibre of the

Fun marks Awards Night

Humour, entertainment and fellowship were among the highlights of the Indian Newslink Indian Sports Awards Night held on May 12, 2012 at ASB Stadium, Kohimarama,

Indian Newslink


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