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Community stands by Sunny Kaushal

The 600,000 strong ethnic communities will play a crucial role in deciding the outcome of the general election due to be held on September 20.

More than 65% of ethnic New Zealanders live in Auckland. The ethnic vote is therefore significant in all the constituencies of the City, especially those that have elected Labour candidates and those that have strong Labour support.

The Indian and Chinese communities account for the largest share of the ethnic communities.

Raymond Huo is a sitting List MP from the Chinese community and there is little doubt that he will be returned to Parliament at the next election.

Dr Rajen Prasad has announced his retirement from Parliament (see Indian Newslink, May 15, 2014) and Labour will need a strong Auckland based Indian MP to replace him.

Active candidate

Most Auckland residents, including those not supporting Labour, believe that Sunny Kaushal is the right candidate to succeed Dr Prasad in Parliament as a List MP.

Mr Kaushal has shown dedication and commitment, and has been extremely active over the past six years participating in almost all major events and projects organised by the Indian, Chinese, Pakistani, Sri Lankan and other communities. As well as raising the awareness of the people on a number of issues, he has also been a true face of Labour throughout the City.

Pakuranga performance

Mr Kaushal was Labour’s candidate in Pakuranga in the 2011 general election. Despite a 6.9% wing against Labour nationally, he contained it at 2.9% in this constituency.

In the recently concluded selection process for Auckland Northland Region’s List of Labour candidates, Mr Kaushal was ranked 8th after the sitting MPs.

He is the only Indian candidate from the region for List this year and the only Indian in 98 years of Labour history to have ever contested from an electorate.

The Indian community has strong support for Mr Kaushal, with more than 25 large ethnic organisations expressing their support to his bid on the Labour List.

Mt Roskill climb

Mr Kaushal is the Campaign Manager of Mt Roskill MP Phil Goff for 2014 and the Chair of the Mt Roskill Labour Party Indian branch. Over the eight years, he has been communicating to the community resident in Auckland, Hamilton, Rotorua and Bay of Plenty on Radio, explaining the policies and programmes of Labour and seeking public support for the Party.

“Beyond the Indian vote, we need to connect with other ethnic communities. Since 2008, I have accompanied our MPs to many events and have often represented them and Labour Party in their absence. The ethnic communities know me and I am able to relate to them positively. I have a good understanding of the Indian community, their faiths and culture requirements and can speak in a number of languages,” Mr Kaushal said.

Workers’ rights

As a member of the Service and Food Workers Union, he is committed to ensuring the rights of workers and has participated in its national campaigns since 2009.

These campaigns include ‘No Asset Sales,’ ‘The Living Wage’ the rights of Auckland Port Workers and human rights of Taxi drivers at the Auckland International Airport.

Mr Kaushal believes that with 23 years of business experience in hospitality, tourism and international trade his business acumen would be valuable to the Labour caucus, along with his high level of analytical skills and good judgement.

Editor’s Note: The above article, not written by us, is not an endorsement by Indian Newslink.

One Response

  1. I congratulate Mr. Sunny Kaushal for the excellent work that he is doing for the community, sharing awareness and raising the concerns in timely manner.

    We really need such kind of leaders.

    I wish him best of luck for all his future endeavors and fully support him as well.

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