Radio New Zealand
Wellington, January 2, 2017
A mysterious vigilante has once again struck in the Wellington suburb of Miramar, slashing the tyres of parked cars.
The suburb is close to the city’s airport, and its streets are a popular spot for travellers to leave their cars to avoid paying airport parking fees.
The problem first came to prominence in October, when tyres on several cars were slashed.
It was presumed a cantankerous local, angry at the lack of residents’ parking, was to blame.
Now the outlaw has struck again, with tyres on dozens of cars along Kauri Street punctured.
Howard Rait, who lives in the street, said he did not mind people parking their cars but he wanted the city council to install clear parking areas and tidy the street up.
“Other streets with grass berms in the area have had curbing put up along them, asphalt put in in places, and that’s what is needed here.
“A lot of the problems would go if they had curbing along the grass berms, designated out carparks, bit of residents’ parking … it’s not rocket science to fix it.”