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Pukekohe Indians to mark Platinum Jubilee

The Pukekohe Indian Association (PIA) will mark its 75th Anniversary later this year, with a series of activities, including revival of its ‘Cultural Club.’

In a Newsletter sent to members and others, Bhiku Bhana, who was recently re-elected to the post of President along with a number of others in the Executive Committee, said that he and his team would hold discussions with community groups to finalise a fitting celebration to commemorate the milestone.

“As an organisation representing the entire community in the District, we will seek the opinion of a number of groups including the Pukekohe Sports Club, the Mahila Mandal, the Gita Class and others on how best this Platinum Jubilee can be celebrated. We will take into account the recommendations received at the Open Forum held last year,” he said.

Mr Bhana said the Association has reactivated the ‘Culture Club.’

The Club will conduct weekly classes for children between 5-14 years at the PIA Community Centre on Thursdays from 7 pm and 8 pm, from June 2. The cost will be $15 per child per term. Further information can be obtained from Joyti Kana (09) 2363545, Mona Bhana on (09) 2384729, Nima Patel (09) 2381413 or Nima Uka (09) 2383399.

“This would encourage more active participation of the younger members of the community in projects and programmes, understand the Indian heritage and promote its cultural and traditional values. ‘Community Unity’ and ‘Oneness’ will be the theme of our activities this year,” Mr Bhana said.

Nehru Hall

The Franklin District Council, which became a part of the Auckland Council in October last year, is currently considering a proposal to classify the ‘Nehru Hall’ as a Heritage Trust. The PIA owned facility was established in 1953 to foster community spirit, enduring the racial discrimination that raged in the region for more than three decades.

The Nehru Hall is a symbol of solidarity and used for community events including meetings, group discussions and weddings.

“The members of the Indian community are proud of this historic building, which is rightly being accorded the status of a Heritage Trust,” Mr Bhana said.

He said the PIA recently sold more than 700 packs of butter chicken and raised $5000 for the Christchurch Mayoral Relief Fund.

Treasurer wanted

The Annual General Meeting elected the following to hold office during the PIA 2011-2012 year: Bhikhu Bhana (President), Manjit Singh (Vice-President), Karnail Singh Badhan (Secretary), Alpesh Patel, Ishvarbhai Rambhai, Jayanti Patel, Jayesh Segvaka, Magan Ranchhod, Mona Bhana, Prithamben Singh, Ramon Wallabh, Ranchod Kana, Romi Patel and Suresh Goel (Committee Members).

Mr Bhana said the post of Treasurer remained vacant and that anyone interested should contact him on (09) 2384729.

Seniors go ‘overseas’

A group of 20 seniors, including a few visitors from the US enjoyed a day’s trip to the Waiheke Island in April.

“Living in an area where going to the sea is a major travelling mission, the visitors were enthralled by the scenic beauty we have in New Zealand, an aspect that we all take for granted,” Mr Bhana said.

He said the next meeting of the Senior Citizens will be held on June 14 at 3 pm at the Association premises.

Photo :

1. The Nehru Hall, symbol of Indian solidarity over the years, will shortly become a Heritage Trust.

2. Pukekohe Seniors with their US counterparts in Waiheke Island in April 2011.

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