Venkat Raman
Auckland, August 31, 2019

Three professionals involved in property development will present a Seminar outlining the issues and challenges faced by common people in making improvements to their properties in New Zealand.
The Seminar, on ‘New Construction,’ will also answer questions such as ‘How to develop your property?’ and will be held on Saturday, September 21, 2019 from 10 am at Eden Rugby Club located at 225 Sandringham Road, Kingsland in Auckland City.
Three major stages
It would cover three major stages of property development, namely, Planning, Design and Construction. Of special interest would be property-owners who wish to make extensions or build anew in their backyard but may not be aware of the way forward.
Compliance, Resources Consent and other official procedures could be mindboggling and even deterrent and hence advice of professionals would save time, cost and trouble.
The Professionals

Simon Yates, Director & Senior Planner, Simon Yates Limited will talk on Planning, Vivek Anturkar, Director and Lead Designer at Space Designers Architectural Designers) will outline important aspects of Design of buildings and properties and David Craggs, General Manager, BMH Homes will speak on various aspects of Construction.

Registration could be made using the QR Code or by email to
The Planning Stage
Mr Yates said that Resource Consent is required in cases where property owners or developers do not comply with the rules in force.
“The first part in this process comprises Land Use Consent for the new building works, while the second part is the immediately corresponding Subdivision around the approved Land Use. You can seek new Land Titles if a covenant is imposed on the Title (controlling the building to the approved Land Use Plans,” he said.
Thereafter, Building and Engineering Consents should be obtained, Mr Yates added.
Issues to remember
Zoning: Terrace Housing and Apartments (THAB): 16 m Height (up to five levels); 50% building coverage and other rules apply. No minimum Subdivision Lot area, as this will depend on the Land Use Plan.
Mix House Urban (MHU): 11+1 m Height (three to four levels); 45% building coverage
Mix House Suburban (MHS): 8+1 m Height (two to three levels); 40% building coverage
Single House Zone (SH): Minor Units
Main Development Issues:
Titles: Check for easements (Drains, Right Of Way of ROW), Consent Notices (Controls and Engineering problems), Land Covenants (control of private use of the Land), Building Line Restriction (BLR)
Land Area: Rectangular Shape: Flat Contour; Shared Driveways; Joint-Ownership Access Lot (JOAL), and ROW.
Sewer and Stormwater: Every development requires a Civil Engineering Report. Many sites would require Flood and Geotech Engineering Reports
Carparking: Nil in THAB Zone, One Bedroom; One carpark for two Bedrooms
Traffic: Vehicle Crossings, Access Width, Intersections, Main Roads
Other Common Issues: Street Tree
(Images taken from Poster Supplied)