Venkat Raman
Auckland, January 19, 2018
Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has just announced that she is pregnant and that she and her Partner Clarke Gayford are expecting their first child in June.
A beaming Ms Ardern said in a press statement that she was excited and that she is planning to take six-weeks of maternal leave following delivery and has asked Deputy Prime Minister Winston Peters to take over the reins of the government during her absence.
Ms Ardern said that she and Mr Gayford were keen to have a family.
“But we were not sure if it would happen to us,” she said.
Ms Ardern said that she met Mr Peters yesterday.
Winston Peters to officiate
The following is her statement:
As is the case when I am overseas, Mr Peters will act as Prime Minister, working with my office while staying in touch with me. I fully intend to be contactable and available throughout the six-week period when needed.
Mr Peters and I have a great relationship, and I know that together we will make this period work. I will make arrangements for appropriate Ministers to act in my other portfolios over the six weeks I am away from Parliament.
At the end of my leave I will resume all Prime Ministerial duties.
Gayford, the Caregiver
Clarke and I are privileged to be in the position where Clarke can stay home to be our primary caregiver. Knowing that so many parents juggle the care of their new babies, we consider ourselves to be very lucky.
We consider ourselves lucky for another reason. Clarke and I have always been clear we wanted to be parents but had been told we would need help for that to happen. That’s made this news a fantastic surprise.
We first knew of my pregnancy on the 13th of October, but as many couples do in the early stages, we kept it to ourselves.
From a personal perspective, I am so looking forward to my new role as a parent. But I am equally focused on my job and responsibilities as Prime Minister.
While 2018 will be the year I become a mum, it will also be a year that the Government finishes our 100 day plan, and starts pursuing all of the priorities that will build a better New Zealand. I look forward to leading that work, and having a slightly expanded family join me on that journey.
Photo Caption: Jacinda Ardern