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Haryana prepares for the Grand Golden Jubilee Finale

Venkat Raman

The North Indian State of Haryana will become the centre of international attraction this fortnight as the year-long Golden Jubilee celebrations conclude with a series of events.

Haryana, which became an independent State by an Act of Lok Sabha, the Lower House of Parliament on November 1, 1966, has a progressive economy, attracting domestic and foreign investment. Its programme of modernisation and has opened new vistas for employment and engagement of the Indian Diaspora.

Global Involvement

Haryana is a state of historic significance, and the home of ‘Kurukshetra,’ where an 18-day War of Devastation took place, annihilating all kingdoms and princely states, except that of Pandavas. It is also the ‘Land of the Bhagavad Gita,’ where, at the start of the Kurukshetra War, Lord Krishna revealed the Bhagavad Gita to Arjuna and told him, how ends justify means’ and one’s duty is “to perform without worrying about the results.”

The glory of Haryana will once again become the global focus as ‘Swarna Utsav,’ or the Golden Jubilee comes to an end on October 31, 2017.

International Cultural Festival

A highlight of the celebrations would be ‘Harmony 2017,’ an International Cultural Festival and Youth Conference that will be held from October 21 to October 29, 2017 in Karnal, a major City of the State, about 120 km from New Delhi. Karnal is named after ‘Karna,’ the eldest son of Kunti and the most loyal friend of Duryodhan in Mahabharat.

More than 5000 youth delegates from different parts of India and overseas will attend this event of crafts, culture, cuisine and youth.

About 1000 artists from various parts of the world have been selected to showcase their talents at the International Cultural Festival. The aim is to foster friendly relations between Indian artists and the international artists’ community.

Ratna Venkat

Among them will be Ratna Venkat, a professional Bharata Natyam, Kuchipudi, Kathak and Fusion Dancer, whose travel has been sponsored by the Ranchhod Foundation.

Suman Kapoor, Global Organisation of People of Indian Origin (GOPIO) International Coordinator (Oceania) and Founder-President of the first GOPIO (Waikato) Chapter in New Zealand at Hamilton and Founder-President of Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan New Zealand will also be attending the celebrations.

While Ratna will perform Indian Classical and Fusion dances and participate in the International Youth Conference, Ms Kapoor will promote New Zealand and the Indian community at the Organisers’ level.

Other representatives from countries such as Australia, the Czech Republic, Britain, Hong Kong, Japan, Indonesia, Mauritius, Russia, Sri Lanka, United Arab Emirates and United States of America will share their insights and achievements, thus making ‘Harmony 2017’ a unique cultural confluence of youth leaders for the youth of India.

Land of Holy Scriptures

The Haryana Government has, for the past year, conducted festivities showcasing the glorious past of the land of Vedas, Gita and Upanishads, and projecting a line-up of dreams cherished by the people of Haryana for several decades.

Chief Minister Manohar Lal said, “Swarna Jayanti is a collective occasion for the people of Haryana. Let us all jointly take a giant leap forward for Haryana’s growth and development journey. May this Swarna Jayanti make its citizen’s sense of duty and determination more committed,” he said.


Photo Caption:

Ratna Venkat poses as Lord Vishnu, whose guidance as Lord Krishna was instrumental in the outcome of the Kurukshetra War.

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