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Transparency International New Zealand
Wellington, July 25, 2017
An international legal expert has said that New Zealand is at the risk of contracting the disease of corruption that is gripping many parts of the world.
Transparency International Chair Jose Ugaz said that that the magnitude of grand corruption across the world could make New Zealand also vulnerable.
Jose is a Peruvian lawyer with a distinguished career in academia and human rights.
As Perus ad-hoc state attorney, he was instrumental in taking corruption cases against former Peruvian President Alberto Fujimori and Vladimiro Montesano, the former head of the countrys intelligence services.
Jose became Chair of Transparency International in 2014.
He will be speaking in major centres around New Zealand on corruption.
The Panama Papers were a major wake-up call-although most of us have little knowledge of the amount of money that flows through foreign trusts in New Zealand, nor who benefits from questionable practices and the cost of them.
Palmerston North
Exposing grand corruption and ways to reduce vulnerability in New Zealand, bringing together civil society, the business sector and government
Venue: Japan Lecture Theatre, Massey University Palmerston North
Date: Monday July 31, 2017, 1215 pm
This event is hosted by Massey University, jointly with Transparency International New Zealand.
The risk of grand corruption in New Zealand
Venue: Lecture Theatre 1, Rutherford House (Pipitea Campus) Victoria University
Date: Tuesday 1st August, 600 pm 730 pm
RSVP: to victoria.beckett
This event is hosted by the Brian Picot Chair in Ethical Leadership and the Institute for Governance and Policy Studies at Victoria Business School, jointly with Transparency International New Zealand.
The state of grand corruption in our world – and how to fight it
Venue: Armstrong Room, Lake Wanaka Centre
Date: Wednesday 2nd August, 430 pm 530 pm
This event is supported by the Queenstown Lakes District Council.
The state of grand corruption in our world and how to fight it: A New Zealand Perspective
Venue: Law 108, Ground Floor, Business and Law Building, University Drive
Date: Thursday 3rd August, 600 pm 730 pm
RSVP: by Tuesday 31st July to debra.parr
This event is hosted by the University of Canterbury, jointly with Transparency International New Zealand.
Photo Caption:
Jose Ugaz
Courtesy: Global Investigations Review