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Clare Curran to quit Parliament next year

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Wellington, August 27, 2019

Clare Curran (RNZ Picture)

Labour Dunedin South MP Clare Curran has announced that she will not contest at the 2020 Election, closing a twelve-year career in Parliament.

She will remain in the seat until the Election.

She issued the following Statement.

It has been an honour to represent the people of Dunedin South over the past 12 years and I will continue to do so as strongly as I always have through to the 2020 Election.

Fight for common people

By next year I will have spent 12 years in Parliament, and I feel now is the time to move on to other pursuits. I have loved every minute of representing the people of Dunedin South and I will miss the local electorate issues enormously.

I have always preferred to battle for the ordinary people who all too often struggle to be heard above the clamour of those with more resources and a louder voice. 

I have devoted my time in Parliament to championing the southern side of Dunedin, raising the significant issues affecting vulnerable people and families, such as the poor quality and lack of affordable housing and access to health services in the electorate.

Return of Rail Engineering

I have been a vocal advocate for the return of rail engineering to Dunedin at the Hillside workshops and highlighted South Dunedin’s vulnerability to extreme weather events and rising sea level, making it a priority for local government.

I am enormously grateful for the opportunities I’ve had, first as an opposition MP and then in Government as a Minister. I am proud that I was able to advance much-needed reforms to public broadcasting and the digital economy and lay the groundwork to deliver more transparent government, so sorely needed at a time of entrenched cynicism toward politics and politicians.

I thank the Labour Party for the privilege of being a member of a strong, talented, united and forward thinking caucus, led by a friend and a compassionate leader who is true to her values.

I am forever grateful to the local Labour members and activists who worked so hard for more than a decade to put me in Parliament and keep me there and to my dedicated and hardworking staff in Dunedin and Wellington, and of course my family, who have always been there. I am looking forward to what comes next, whatever that may be.

Jacinda Ardern’s tribute

Labour Party Leader Jacinda Ardern thanked Clare Curran for her service.

“I came into Parliament at the same time as Clare and got to know her really well over the years. You would be hard pressed to find someone more genuine and passionate about the work she did on public broadcasting, technology issues and as a representative for the place she loved South Dunedin. I want to thank Clare. She put a spotlight on issues others ignore and was totally people focused. I wish her the best for her next endeavours,” Ms Ardern said. 

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