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Brahmakumaris to mark Mahashivaratri

Staff Reporter

Auckland, February 15, 2017

Brahmakumaris of Auckland are set to celebrate Mahashivaratri on February 24 and 25, 2017 at the Bhartiya Mandir in Balmoral.

The Central Force

In the Hindu Trinity, Shaivites portray Shiva as the central force, the Creator, Protector and Destroyer but He delegates the first two responsibilities respectively to Brahma and Vishnu. Followers of the Vaishnavites philosophy would believe otherwise.

But none disputes the theory that Shiva is the Destroyer of all evil and the Supreme Master of Dance. He is considered the epitome of tough penance and the most benevolent examiner of his devotees’ determination. He is also regarded as the most magnanimous Benefactor and the most unforgiving of all Gods over transgressions of his devotees. Woe betides the person who strays away from the conditions that accompany his boons. Hindu mythology and history have ample tales to narrate.

It is to honour such a powerful and often tough God that millions of Hindus keep vigil over a night, praying and hearing the telltales of their favourite Shiva. Each New Moon is dedicated to Him but ardent devotees say Mahashivaratri is more significant because it was during this night that Shiva was believed to have performed the ‘Thandava’ style of dance.

Divine Matrimony

Some say that the event also commemorates the marriage of Shiva with Sati.

Legend has it that Shiva appeared this night to save the world from darkness and ignorance. Men and women fast over a 24-hour period as a form of penance and self-denial.

Most religions believe fasting not only cleanses the human system but also purifies the soul. Unmarried women also observe fast and worship Shiva in the hope that He would bless them with a good spouse.

Abhishekams, hymns and other forms of worship abound temples. The Shiva Lingam is bathed with milk, water, honey, fruits, vibhuthi (sacred ash), kumkum and turmeric and finally washed and decorated with garlands and anointed with sandalwood paste.

About Brahmakumaris

Prajapita Brahma Kumaris Ishwariya Vishwa Vidyalaya (popularly known as Brahmakumaris) is an international non-governmental organisation headquartered at Mount Abu, Rajasthan. It is present at 9000 Centres in 137 countries.

A spiritual institution focused on self-transformation through spiritual education and reflective practices, it promotes self-transformation by re-discovering and strengthening the human potential. The Organisation enables its members and participants in its programmes to have a clear understanding of self, God and human existence.


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