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Be ready to welcome Spiritual Master

The auspicious occasion of Navaratri is the right time for spiritual revival.

Divine Mother, in her manifestation as ‘Trigunaatmika, representing Kali (‘Power), Lakshmi (Prosperity) and Saraswati (Spiritual Wisdom) comes into our life.

She comes as Kali to destroy our ignorance and bad past (Karmic debt), as Lakshmi to provide us with goodness in life and as Saraswati to liberate us from the mire of Samsara.

May Her Grace uplift us spiritually and lead to all-round progress.

Most Indians are religious and many are spiritual. However, over centuries, messages from the masters got diluted and distorted. Consequently, many practice only superficial ritualistic aspects and do not reap any practical benefit in life.

Spiritual awakening

Therefore, many Sants and Mahatmas come to re-direct us towards our inner core, as the source of all that is good. This era is particularly blessed and we have many lofty souls to help us. Foremost among them is Avadhoot Baba Shivanand-ji. Having realised highest truths, he has brought spirituality back into our lives through ‘Shivyog, a practical and rewarding way of beautifying our lives.

According to Babaji, Shivyog is a way of Bhoga (earthly enjoyment) and Moksha (ultimate Liberation). It is a deep spiritual practice open to people of all faiths and walks of life. It is the practical way to achieve happiness, health and spiritual progress. It cleanses our karmas (psychic subconscious impressions), thus removing the obstacles in our worldly and our spiritual experience.

Life then becomes beautiful, filled with success, beauty and abundance in every area.

Shivyog starts with the question ‘What do you want?

It does not ask us to relinquish desires and live a boring life.

Babaji says that once we achieve our desires, we naturally outgrow them as children outgrow toys. He has taught several methods to clear our Karmas and materialise desires. These include Siddha, Shambhavi and Srividya Dikshas, Durga Saptshati Saadhana and many others.

He also teaches the method for continued upward progress, consisting of daily Saadhana (meditation), Sankeertan (chants) and Sewa (selfless service).

Healing powers

In Shivyog Shivirs, Divine Grace and healing powers are bestowed to saadhaks (disciples) in the form of Shaktipaat (shower of Divine Energy) by the spiritually accomplished Master.

In Shivirs worldwide, millions have experienced divine visions and past life experiences. With Shaktipaat, our Karmic baggage is cleared; enabling us to heal situations, circumstances and relationships in our lives, beautifully transforming our lives quickly.

Advanced Practitioner

Acharya Ishaan ji is an advanced practitioner and master of Shivyog. He has been conducting Shivyog Shivirs (Divine Workshops) in several countries over many years. He will be New Zealand to conduct Siddha Shambhavi from November 17 to November 22 2013 at Shiv temple, Manurewa, Auckland.

For further information, please write to; Website:

Photo Caption: Acharya Ishaan

Dr Subramanya Adiga is a Consultant in Rehabilitation Medicine at Middlemore Hospital in South Auckland.

Be ready to welcome- Acharya Ishan Dhivanand

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