Winston Peters
Wellington, June 22, 2017
Failure to answer questions will not save the Prime Minister.
The facts are there: When asked about the Barclay Debacle in Parliament yesterday, Mr English said, “I was absolutely no party to that, and I do not know what the dispute was or how it was settled.”
However, in a text message to former National Party Clutha-Southland electorate chair, Stuart Davie, Mr English wrote, “Glenys settlement large to avoid potential legal action. Had to be part paid by Prime Minister’s budget. Everyone unhappy.”
Special Settlement
Mr English confirmed in the text he knew all about the special top-up settlement from the National Party Leader’s Office.
He has not explained why cash was paid from the National Party Leader’s Office funds despite the employer, Parliamentary Services, paying a dispute settlement.
Why was the extra money necessary?
Mr English refuses to say, but it was paid to cover up a criminal act, which Mr English knew about.
Questions continue to hover around the Prime Minister over his lack of honesty and complicity in the cover up over the secret recordings in the Clutha-Southland electorate office.
He is refusing to answer, hiding behind parliamentary rules.
He is claiming that he is not responsible as a Minister, because he was wearing another hat, of an ordinary MP – that is a new one.
He is condemned by his own words.
Winston Peters is elected Member of Parliament from Northland and Leader of New Zealand First Party.