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Ahmadiyya youth reject extremism

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Auckland, December 31, 2016

Muslim youth belonging to the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community are taking a stand against radicalisation and extremism. In line with the teachings of true Islam, they will be gathering their members across Auckland on New Year’s Day to take to the parks and beaches for a ‘clean-up day’ post New Year’s Eve festivities. They plan to show through their actions, that true teachings of Islam are peaceful and all-encompassing, championing the rights and welfare of all humanity, flora and fauna, and preserving the integrity of the environment.

Refugee’s commitment

“We believe a strong Muslim identity is the best defence against radicalisation, particularly for the youth. Regular attendance at the mosque, and engagement in our charitable work and community service allows the youth to see and experience the peaceful and pluralistic teachings of Islam. They become integrated into society, and it becomes impossible for them to be influenced by extremist clerics. Every year our youth are engaged in organising food and clothing drives, blood donations, fundraising for charities and get involved with events in the local community”, says Azeem Zafarullah, President of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Youth Association of New Zealand.

“Having come to New Zealand over 10 years ago as an immigrant and refugee, guiding our youth to integrate, serve and progress our adopted nation is my duty as a Muslim and a loyal, proud New Zealander. It is also about practicing what true Islam preaches”.

The Head of the Worldwide Ahmadiyya Muslim Community and Caliph of Islam, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, has repeatedly emphasised the importance of integration.

True integration

Regarding the issue of integration of immigrants into Western society, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad said:

“For me, true integration is to love the country in which you live and to be completely loyal to it. Thus, all immigrants should be loyal to their adopted nation, they should truly love it, they should honour it, they should be law abiding and work for its prosperity and progress. This is integration.”

Members of the public are welcome to approach the Ahmadiyya Muslim Youth Association members on duty with any questions they may have. In the spirit of partnership, non-Muslim individuals and groups are also welcome to participate in the clean-up, which will start in the early hours of the morning in Point Chevalier and ends at the Auckland Domain.

About Ahmadiyyas

The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community is a dynamic, fast-growing international revival movement within Islam. Founded in 1889 by Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (1835-1908) in Punjab, India, the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community spans over 209 countries with membership exceeding tens of millions. Its motto of ‘Love for all and hatred for none’ is evidenced through the peaceful actions of its millions of followers. The current worldwide spiritual leader of the community, the Khalifa (Caliph) resides in London. The New Zealand branch of this community was established in 1987. It is a registered charitable organisation and endeavors to be an active and integrated community within New Zealand society.

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